Články autora: Aircraft Industries

Alena Medová: Airplanes are our lifeOur goal is to keep the Czech aviation industry’s prestige in the world


“We are crazy about airplanes. Otherwise, this wouldn’t work,” Alena Medová, Chairman of the Board at Aircraft Industries, begins our conversation. It was precisely this passion for aviation and the responsibility for the tradition built by past generations that led Richard Háva, head of the Omnipol Group, to take a risk three years ago. He decided not to let the renowned Czech brand fall, and bought Aircraft Industries from its Russian owner. The Kunovice-based company had faced existential difficulties after sanctions were imposed on Russia, which was almost its only market at the time. The famous L 410 aircraft thus effectively returned home after many years. Richard Háva’s vision was not only to save this legendary turboprop aircraft, of which Omnipol had historically sold hundreds around the world, but also to return it to where it belongs – the global market.

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