Články autora: Archive ČPP

Jaroslav Besperát: In a crisis, we are all looking for stability and trustWe have been building such an insurance company for 25 years


Česká podnikatelská pojišťovna (ČPP) has so far gone through the covid-19 crisis virtually unaffected. We talked with the CEO Jaroslav Besperát just after the company won the prestigious Zlatá koruna award: gold in the Business and Industry Insurance category and two bronze trophies for insurance for entrepreneurs Simplex and Autopojištění Combi Plus. Despite the pandemic, ČPP has had a very successful year in terms of overall economic results and is still one of the fastest growing big insurance companies in the country. The company’s CEO is known to like winning. What is his recipe for victory?

Štítky ČPP

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