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Cena hlavního projektu Rok nové energie 2024, Rodinná firma roku AMSP ČR, eŽena, Nastartujte se, Národní ceny České republiky
Thousands of exhibits and four days of intense product sourcing, networking and learning: The sheet metal working industry is gearing up for their benchmark event, EuroBLECH 2024, presenting the world’s largest showcase of sheet metal working technology in one place. Reflected in this year’s show motto, ‘The Power of Productivity’, visitors can look forward to a trailblazing event at the core of the industry, with exclusive access to top-tier suppliers, live demonstrations and technical premieres.
A unique experience awaits visitors to the 27th International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition, taking place 22 to 25 October 2024 at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds in Germany. EuroBLECH is the world’s leading trade event for sheet metal processing, covering the entire supply chain in fifteen different technology sectors across nine exhibition halls. This year’s focus is on productivity-enhancing technology, presenting the latest the market has to offer in terms of increasing output and efficiency while aligning individual production processes to the complex demands of smart manufacturing.
The coming event will feature some 90,000 square metres of net exhibition space, offering direct access and networking opportunities with blue chip and SME suppliers from all over the globe. More than 60 % of exhibitors are joining from abroad. Besides Germany, major exhibitor countries for 2024 are Italy, Turkey, China, Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Taiwan, Poland, Belgium, Austria, India, France, and the USA.
A host of well-known brands will take to the show floor – including Adige, AIDA, Amada, Bystronic, Dimeco, Durma, Haco, LVD, Messer Cutting Systems, Pivatic, Prima Power, Salvagnini, Schuler, Thyssen, TRUMPF, Yamazaki Mazak, and many others – complemented by specialised SMEs and first-time exhibitors demonstrating their innovative strength on the market.
Exhibits cover anything to do with the processing of semi-finished and finished products, including metal sheet, tubes, profiles, and plastic hybrids. Visitors will have plenty of opportunities to discover and source the latest in stamping, punching, pressing, forming, cutting, joining, welding, fastening, handling, finishing, quality control, CAD/CAM/CIM, tools, machine components, warehouse and factory equipment, material recycling, R&D, and so much more.
Noteworthy is the proactive stance taken by tech suppliers, future-proofing the industry through innovation, efficiency, and adaptability. “If change comes at you fast, you have to come up with solutions even faster”, says Evelyn Warwick, Event Director of EuroBLECH, on behalf of RX. “The integration of AI and machine learning are revolutionizing the industry, enabling unprecedented levels of precision and efficiency. Automation and robotics continue to advance, streamlining production processes and reducing manual labour, while the Internet of Things connects machinery and systems for real-time monitoring and optimization. These innovations, showcased at this year’s EuroBLECH, underscore the industry's commitment to meet the growing demands for customisation, sustainability, and smart manufacturing.”
Alongside thousands of exhibits and suppliers in the exhibition halls, the 2024 visitor experience offers a wealth of opportunities to personally engage with innovation, including the new Guided Visitor Tours focusing on clever strategies and tools to optimise production efficiency. In addition, the popular Speaker Forum delivers actionable insight and knowledge on current key topics, such as automation, robotics, cobots, industrial metaverse, and cybersecurity. The prestigious EuroBLECH Awards will honour five winners for their outstanding achievements in driving technical excellence and innovation. And Friday is Careers Day again, promoting young talent in the industry.
EuroBLECH 2024 is held from 22 to 25 October 2024 at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds in Germany. Further information and tickets are available on the official show website.
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Cena hlavního projektu Rok nové energie 2024, Rodinná firma roku AMSP ČR, eŽena, Nastartujte se, Národní ceny České republiky
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