Jižní Korea

Libor Bittner: Byznys nežije z nostalgie, ale z inovací


Před privatizací charakterizovala státní podnik Bioveta přezaměstnanost, nesolventnost, technologická zastaralost a neefektivní řízení. „Když jsme ji v polovině 90. let zprivatizovali, museli jsme snížit počet zaměstnanců z 250 na 130, abychom vůbec měli na výplaty. Za třicet let jsme ji vytáhli ze sedmdesátimilionového obratu na třímiliardový a roční zisk z nuly na miliardu. Dnes zaměstnáváme zhruba 740 pracovníků v provozech vybavených nejmodernějšími technologiemi a prosperita podniku se opírá o vlastní vývoj a prodej finálních produktů s vysokou přidanou hodnotou. Náš odbyt roste dlouhodobě. Jen za loňský rok to bylo o desítky procent,“ konstatuje Libor Bittner, ředitel a spoluzakladatel farmaceutické společnosti Bioveta z Ivanovic na Hané.

Štítky Farmaceutický průmysl, Věda a výzkum, jihovýchodní Asie

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Pilsen turbines: Quality confirmed for more than a centuryFollowing the Doosan Group merger, they expanded to four continents


"Being part of the multinational Doosan Group has been a great benefit for us. In the very first months, we became a turbine subcontractor for Doosan’s general contractor in Israel. Asian partners were more eager to cooperate, and we saw open doors to major Korean EPC contractors. At the same time, the new owner chose us as their global research and development centre for steam turbines," says Daniel Procházka, Chief Operations Officer of Doosan Škoda Power.

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Youngki Hong: Korea and Czechia share many historical similaritiesThat’s also why we know the value of freedom and market economy


In 2015, the Republic of Korea was the first Asian country to upgrade its bilateral relationship with the Czech Republic to a "strategic partnership". What are the commitments and benefits resulting from this for both countries? We talked to Youngki Hong, who is the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Czech Republic since summer 2023. "We have been expanding cooperation in various fields, including politics, economy, and people-to-people exchanges. We share universal values such as freedom, human rights, and rule of law. Both countries have also strengthened international cooperation on a broad range of issues, including a firm response to North Korea’s provocations and supporting international solidarity for restoring peace and rebuilding Ukraine."

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Kia: Movement that inspiresWorld’s leading carmaker is turning into a global technology company


"One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others," said the Italian Renaissance politician and writer Niccolo Machiavelli. These words can surely be related to the dramatic development in the automotive industry. The industry has seen more changes over the last three years than in the previous three decades, particularly with the rise of e-mobility. The rapid innovation and change in automotive is also demonstrated by the seemingly "cosmetic change" in the name of the South Korean car company Kia. "The word 'motors' in the original name of Kia Motors no longer fully describes our entire scope. That's why we have chosen 'Movement That Inspires' as our new slogan, which allows us to encompass mobility from a broader point of view," commented Kia Czech CEO Arnošt Barna, and his quote can also serve as a definition of where the entire industry is heading for the next decades to come.

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Business needs innovation, not nostalgia


Before privatization, the state enterprise Bioveta struggled with overemployment, insolvency, technological obsolescence and inefficient management methods. "When we privatized it in the mid-1990s, we had to reduce the number of employees from 250 to 130 in order to have enough money for salaries. In thirty years, we have increased the revenues from seventy million to three billion CZK, while growing our profit from zero to one billion CZK. Today, we employ around 740 people in plants equipped with state-of-the-art technologies. The company’s success is based on our own R&D and sale of final products with high added value. Our sales have been growing for a long time. Last year alone, we grew by dozens of percent," says Libor Bittner, CEO and co-founder of the pharmaceutical company Bioveta based in Ivanovice na Hané.

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Youngki Hong: Koreu a Česko pojí společná historická zkušenostI díky ní si umí vážit svobody a výhod tržní ekonomiky


Korejská republika v roce 2015 jako první asijská země povýšila bilaterální vztah s Českou republikou na „strategické partnerství“. Nejen o tom, jaké závazky a výhody z toho plynou pro obě země, jsme hovořili s Youngkim Hongem, který je již druhým rokem na velvyslanecké misi v Praze. „Rozšiřujeme spolupráci v různých oblastech, od politiky přes ekonomiku až po výměny jednotlivců. Stavíme na tom, že ctíme univerzálně platné hodnoty, jako jsou svoboda, lidská práva a právní stát. Obě naše země posílily mezinárodní spolupráci v širokém spektru témat, mezi něž patří mimo jiné jasná reakce na severokorejské provokace či podpora mezinárodní solidarity za obnovení míru a obnovu Ukrajiny.“

Štítky Jižní Korea

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