Stories in English

We are always interested in potentialSerbia has it


“Business models must adapt to market developments,” argues Ludvík Machala, founder and CEO of ProSpánek. When the golden era of direct sales through call centres was coming to an end, he decided on an ambitious plan to build a retail chain that would offer comprehensive solutions for healthy sleeping. They did it first in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, later in Poland and Hungary, and most recently, Serbia joined the group in 2022. “Serbia was a logical choice for us when looking for further expansion eastward. It is a country with a rapidly developing economy open to the whole world. And we are always interested in potential.”

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Growth is possible even during a crisis


From the comfort of their own production, warehouse, logistics, and administrative facilities, they had to move after years to rented and temporary premises. For some, this might be seen as a balancing act on the edge of survival, for others, it is an impulse to seek unconventional solutions. “I believe in the advantages and resilience of family businesses. The story of our company, founded by my parents and me, strengthens my optimism,” says Lukáš Klokan, Managing Director of PPS Engineering CZ, a family company based in Most.

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Cybersecurity is not a matter of choice, but a necessity


České Radiokomunikace (CRA), one of the largest domestic IT and digital service providers and a critical infrastructure entity of the state, offers small and medium-sized enterprises in particular not only high-quality cybersecurity products, but also consultations and advisory services on obtaining subsidies. We spoke with CRA senior product manager Martin Pavelka about the current measures he would recommend to SMEs in the field of cybersecurity.

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Beohemija is a key acquisition for CE IndustriesIt’s already bearing fruit


As a long-standing member CE Industries’ top management, he took on the responsibility of expanding into the Serbian market in the previously unexplored fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) segment. We spoke with Roman Kratochvíl, CEO of Beohemija, a traditional Serbian manufacturer of detergents, about the significance and benefits of this acquisition - CE Industries' very first in the FMCG sector - and the strategic importance of the Serbian market in the group's future plans.

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Beohemija is a leader in the home care industry and innovationIt has already earned trust from Czech consumers


Beohemija, part of the Czech CE Industries group, represents a success story of transformation, growth, and commitment to quality. With a focus on innovation, exports, and responsible business practices, the company has achieved over 60% revenue growth in the past two years. This success is driven by redefining its product portfolio, introducing new products, and strategic investments.

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