Stories in English

AMCON – a vibrant monozukuri in the heart of Europe


Do you know what monozukuri is? It’s Japanese term that roughly translates into Czech as the art of production. It is based on an ancient, sophisticated philosophy and comprises qualities that Czechs also value, namely, the so-called “golden Czech hands” and honest work. AMCON Europe, a subsidiary of the Japanese company AMCON Inc., is an inspiring example of how the monozukuri principles can be applied in the European business environment. The company produces wastewater treatment technologies focused on ecological and economical sludge dewatering for both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants.

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Insurance company is a linchpin of national economy and of your business, too


"This year has proved that climate change is here. Historically, we have never had as many insured events as in 2024. At the beginning of September, ČPP has already registered six thousand reported claims caused by windstorms, torrential rains and hails. Some of our clients have even been flooded several times. The total claims will go well above 300 million CZK, which is a twofold increase compared to last year," says Pavel Wiesner, CEO of ČPP, at the beginning of our interview. This sad fact is confirmed by the data from the Czech Insurance Association (ČAP): During the summer 2024 alone, there were almost 32,000 weather-related insured events in the Czech Republic assessed at 1.8 billion CZK.

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Good workplace relations lead to business success


The smaller the team, the more important is the right selection of the team members. "We are a smaller company with a relatively short history, during which we have seen that a strong team is not about education or age, but about soft skills - adaptability, being eager to learn, open to change and creating friendly atmosphere. Anyone, regardless of age, can learn hard skills if they want to. However, one’s approach is much more difficult to change," argues Ondřej Svoboda, founder and owner of Simple Lift.

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EuroBLECH 2024 sets out new ways to engage with productivity


Thousands of exhibits and four days of intense product sourcing, networking and learning: The sheet metal working industry is gearing up for their benchmark event, EuroBLECH 2024, presenting the world’s largest showcase of sheet metal working technology in one place. Reflected in this year’s show motto, ‘The Power of Productivity’, visitors can look forward to a trailblazing event at the core of the industry, with exclusive access to top-tier suppliers, live demonstrations and technical premieres.

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Pilsen turbines: Quality confirmed for more than a centuryFollowing the Doosan Group merger, they expanded to four continents


"Being part of the multinational Doosan Group has been a great benefit for us. In the very first months, we became a turbine subcontractor for Doosan’s general contractor in Israel. Asian partners were more eager to cooperate, and we saw open doors to major Korean EPC contractors. At the same time, the new owner chose us as their global research and development centre for steam turbines," says Daniel Procházka, Chief Operations Officer of Doosan Škoda Power.

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