Stories in English

Czech footprint in the US film industryWhy Hollywood likes the Czech Republic


Architect, seamstress, IT specialist, metalworker, artistic carpenter, glassmaker, and costume designer. Pastry chef, electrician, interpreter, pilot, restorer, and stonemason. These seemingly disparate, highly specialized professions have a common denominator - the film industry. These, and many other fields in which the Czechs are experts on a global scale, function as suppliers to the audiovisual industry. They’re one of the reasons why Hollywood producers like to come back to us,” says Helena Bezděk Fraňková, director of the Czech Film Fund.

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Czech Republic has global leaders in board gamesAfter their success in Germany, they have taken off (not only) in the US


"Board game players are really passionate about what we do. We like to play and sit at the same table together – and that is also reflected in our business. There is huge competition, as up to three thousand new games appear on the market every year. But unlike computer games, board gaming is not a mass-market activity. If a game is produced in about twenty thousand copies, it’s a success. But if you're lucky and come up with something amazing, it can go way beyond these numbers. We have already sold fourteen million copies in forty-five languages of our most successful game called Codenames. We’ve sold more than half of that, which is over seven million copies, in the US," says Petr Murmak, founder and co-owner of Czech Games Edition (CGE). We have talked to him at the company’s HQ in Prague's Černý Most, surrounded by – not too surprisingly – board games.

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What happens when you bite into an appleAnything is possible if you have the willpower to pursue your goal


One day, when I have the opportunity to travel around California, I would love to go to Los Altos, a small town in the San Francisco Bay area, on the western edge of Silicon Valley, and visit the unassuming house where Steve Jobs spent his childhood. This is where he and his friend Steve Wozniak founded Apple in 1976. The house is already a historical monument, but Jobs' message and vision keep resonating.

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Czech entrepreneurs are exploring California


Bijan Sabet took up the post in Prague about a year ago, presenting his credentials as U.S. Ambassador to the Czech Republic in February 2023. The son of immigrants, this former tech executive and venture capitalist brings to his diplomatic assignment deep experience in business and business development. A co-founder and leading figure at Spark Capital, he has helped many tech start-ups grow into large multinationals. He has left his mark on brands such as Twitter, Slack and Discord. In line with the overall focus of this issue of TRADE NEWS, we spoke mainly about California, where Mr. Sabet worked in the tech industry and as an investor for twenty years, ten of which directly in Silicon Valley.

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For its clients, the bank must be a ship that can sail even through stormy weather


Komerční banka (KB) economists conclude that the worst days are now over for the Czech economy and forecast an improved performance in 2024 after last year’s decline. However, the growth will be very moderate and won’t become more noticeable until the second half of the year. "Still, our country's economy has proven to be robust, and if we look at it as a whole, it’s like a big ship that can maintain a straight course even in rough seas. I am happy that our bank contributes to this with our stability and strength," says David Formánek, member of the KB board responsible for corporate and investment banking.

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