Stories in English

Otto Daněk: Germany has always been our biggest partner


The Náchod-based producer of electric motors overcame the great crisis of 1933, nationalization fifteen years later as well as a major shift in company management in 2002. ATAS is currently working to manage the crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. Germany has always been the company’s biggest trading partner, and this is where they still export the most. When talking to the chairman of the board of directors Otto Daněk, we soon find out where the success of ATAS comes from: they focus on custom solutions. That's why the company keeps winning in today’s increasingly competitive environment on a global scale.

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How to convince Germans and the Swiss of Czech ingenuityCzechs invented and produced a laser machine in a few weeks


"Before the covid pandemic, we were a bit of an outlier in our approach. Back when everyone in global trade followed the just-in-time strategy, we were gradually reducing the number of subcontractors and transferred as many activities as possible to one location. Three years ago, our strategy proved to be correct. With the supply chain disruptions, there were deadline extensions and material shortages. It was the foresight of our colleagues, who bought enough materials in time and in large amounts, and our company’s organizational structure that enabled us to keep responding to customer requests in a flexible way," explains Karel Kubr, Director of LINTECH.

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Bettina Kirnbauer: Austria is an ideal test market for the entire German-speaking region


Bettina Kirnbauer has been the ambassador of Austria to the Czech Republic for three years, but already previously she had worked at the embassy in Prague for another three years. She therefore knows our country very well and can express why mutual cooperation between Czechs and Austrians is so successful and diverse. In this interview for TRADE NEWS, she also emphasizes that there is great potential for further growth, whether due to geographical proximity, similar mentality or the complementary structure of our economies.

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Zbyněk Kopeček: My mission is to help small winemakersIn Austria, their position is much stronger


Small-scale winegrowers and gardeners play an important role for our country, among other things as tradition and folk culture bearers. However, if they are to thrive, they require a specific approach. This is what Zbyněk Kopeček was aware of when he founded his company in 2005 in the region of Slovácko. Vinařský dům Kopeček was founded with the aim of giving maximum support to small farmers. Since the company only employs true experts and people who are 100% committed, they have grown continuously since day one thanks to a small but steady and affluent customer base. The National Development Bank (NRB) assists the company with current investment, among other things.

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