Stories in English

The importance of having a scoutParticularly a technological one


After twelve years in the family business, Richard Uhlíř has now become the new CEO of Imedex. It is a critical milestone in the company's life cycle, which poses both risk and a huge opportunity for its further development. "What seemed impossible at first eventually materialised within six months. Also thanks to a great cooperation with our banker and the National Development Bank, we managed to find the right way to carry out my repurchase of a 100% business share in the company," outlines the new owner and CEO of Imedex.

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Radek Hegmon: Opulence is slowly becoming annoying


They do not jump on every trend, yet they often hit the target and are not afraid of competition. "We have never done a survey of potential demand. With our design & development, we respond to our own needs and the needs of people around us. For example, our travel, sports or housing experience or simply life experience in general are reflected in the design of built-ins for cars, skis or micro-houses," says Radek Hegmon, founder, owner and chief designer of Egoé.

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Stanislav Martinec: We do business to help people and enrich the world


"I would not like the world to return to pre-covid ways. We don’t mind if there’s a drop in production and we make smaller sales. Let’s produce less, but with higher quality and with an attractive design, so our products last longer and we don't have to change them every year. Let’s enjoy our work. If we don’t use this time to our advantage, we are wasting a unique opportunity," says Stanislav Martinec, founder and director of the Vizovice-based company KOMA Modular, a leader in modular construction.

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Previous results should always be a crucial factor for hiring new employees, Belgian and Dutch experts agree.


Two countries, three experts in the field of recruitment and evaluation of employees. Belgian with African roots Sénamé Agbossou and two colleagues from Netherlands Nicoline Westerbeek and Bobbie Veen told us what is happening in their countries in the labor market, what the main trends in recruitment are and how their nations differ from the Czechs. Why them? Because they run local branches of Performia, an international expert in building successful teams.

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Alexis Dutertre: French and Czech presidencies have an important role on the way to a more sovereign and confident Europe


2022 is a special year for French-Czech relations in that both countries have scheduled Presidencies of the Council of the European Union. “A lot has changed since our two countries’ last presidencies in 2009, particularly in that now the approach to EU affairs is perhaps less ideological and much more pragmatic on both sides,” says Alexis Dutertre, Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic. We have talked to Mr. Dutertre in Buquoy Palace, the seat of the Embassy in Prague.

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