Stories in English

Pavel Wiesner: The client is of utmost importance to usWe strive to be as close as possible to them and are not afraid of any challenge


If you ask Pavel Wiesner, the new CEO of Česká podnikatelská pojišťovna, about the company’s values, he will give a straightforward answer: fairness, honesty, teamwork, and innovation. He adds quickly, that his broad understanding of a 'team' comprises the broker, the insurance company, and the client. "This link is essential for us. We are successful precisely because it works, due to the fact that we have the trust of both brokers and our clients."

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Adam Janek: Innovation drives me forwardI wouldn't want to get into a situation where there is nothing left to invent


"You will never cross the ocean if you are afraid of losing sight of the shore," Christopher Columbus said allegedly centuries ago, and we know what happened next. The world would not be moving forward without courageous people. Without enthusiasts who live their dreams and love what they do. Adam Janek, director of Eye Centre Prague (OCP), is one of these people. We talked with Mr. Janek in the newly built OCP clinic, a timeless industrial space of the Port7 building in Prague’s Holešovice district.

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We build our projects also for future generations


We’ve had another opportunity to talk to one of the founders of Georgia Energy SICAV, an investment fund focused on building hydroelectric power plants in Georgia. Daniel Mahovský divides his time between the Czech Republic, where he is currently in charge of design work and technology supply tenders, and Georgia, where he is putting finishing touches on several hydropower projects and is also working on solar projects.

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Look under the hood of the European Parliament


A lot has been written about the fact that Czechs are among the most pessimistic nations in Europe. The latest survey which examined their idea about the future did not yield any encouraging results. Czech citizens' trust in the EU and its further integration fell from last year's 51 to 44 percent. In short, Czechs have a more reserved attitude towards the EU, unlike other member countries. On the other hand, in some aspects such as the perception of freedom, job opportunities or peace, the EU’s image is improving over the long term.

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Josef & Jan Lát: Data is our daily bread


With the rise of Industry 4.0, robotization has become a big topic in the media space. "In manufacturing, though, robots are kind of taken for granted. They are a necessary condition for manufacturers to streamline production, reduce the amount of strenuous work and ensure the highest occupational safety possible. In our view, the main contribution of Industry 4.0 is in automation, digitization and working with data for timely decision-making and increased competitiveness," agree the Lát brothers, co-owners of the family company BENEŠ a LÁT. Josef Lát is the CSO and engineer, while Jan Lát is the CFO – as well as winner of the honourable title Manager of the Year Competition 2021 in the Czech Republic.

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Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic and people in Vietnam with experience from Czechia are the basis of our successful relations


"Czech and Vietnamese people know each other very well and have long cooperated successfully," says Thai Xuan Dung, Ambassador of Vietnam to the Czech Republic. Currently in Vietnam, there are over 200,000 people who have studied or worked in the Czech Republic. Some of them hold key roles in public administration or state enterprises. On top, there is a strong Vietnamese community of around 90,000 members in Czechia. In the interview for TRADE NEWS, we talked about how this specific factor translates into mutual business relations and what industries offer the best opportunities for Czech companies in Vietnam.

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