Stories in English

Ilja Mazanek: In Africa, fortune favours the braveWe want to be an inspiration to those who hesitate


"African and Asian markets are remote, and they carry a number of risks for our exporters. However, companies should realize that those who don't take healthy risks and just keep waiting for a lucky opportunity may eventually miss out completely," says Ilja Mazánek Sr., chairman of the foreign section of the Czech Chamber of Commerce and commercial director of Transcon Electronic Systems, a global leader in airport technology production and supplier of the unique concept of modular airports.

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You will get a good return if you persist


The key to succeed in African markets is to think long-term, create strong links and be resilient. “If you manage all that, it makes a big difference eventually,” says Nicolas Tauvel, Deputy Managing Director, Corporate & Institutional Customers and Payments at Société Générale Senegal. We spoke to Mr. Tauvel about the unique opportunities (not only) in Senegal.

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The British spare no expense. They want the bestThey come here for the great reputation of Czech ophthalmology, reasonable prices and availability


If you ever feel that the Czech healthcare system is collapsing, just look at the UK to get a different perspective. The bad reputation of the National Health Service (NHS) has UK citizens look for other ways to solve their health problems, often abroad. The Czech Republic is a common destination for reproductive medicine or plastic surgery, and eye surgery has recently come to the fore as well. "In the UK, the waiting time for a cataract surgery, for example, is up to two years. Here we can do it in six weeks’ time. On top, UK residents are not allowed to pay extra for a better implant within the NHS. As a result, they have to turn to private providers, which is often expensive," says Adam Janek, director of Eye Centre Prague (OCP), which has served foreign clients for five years.

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Matt Field: For the UK, leaving the EU never meant leaving Europe


As the new British Ambassador to the Czech Republic, he started off with a bang, as the #jsemtunovej campaign got a great response from the wider public and media experts alike. Although he has been in office only for a few months, he is no longer that “novej” here. In his interview for TRADE NEWS, Matt Field talks about his impressions of the Czech Republic so far, explains how he is helping develop business relations between Czech and UK companies and describes the current and future cooperation between our countries in today’s post-brexit world.

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The PročByNe? project changes the lives of students – and more


He’s just over twenty years old, and his dream is to become a product designer. Martin is preparing for his future career at university in Pilsen, and this year he will take his BA exams. School gives him the necessary foundations, but it cannot give him everything. They say the best thing you can invest in is young people. I agree with that, and that’s also why I founded the PročByNe? (“WhyNot?”) project nine years ago. Intended for students, it encourages their motivation to achieve something special and pursue their career dreams.

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