Články autora: Jana Jenšíková

Czech Republic has global leaders in board gamesAfter their success in Germany, they have taken off (not only) in the US


"Board game players are really passionate about what we do. We like to play and sit at the same table together – and that is also reflected in our business. There is huge competition, as up to three thousand new games appear on the market every year. But unlike computer games, board gaming is not a mass-market activity. If a game is produced in about twenty thousand copies, it’s a success. But if you're lucky and come up with something amazing, it can go way beyond these numbers. We have already sold fourteen million copies in forty-five languages of our most successful game called Codenames. We’ve sold more than half of that, which is over seven million copies, in the US," says Petr Murmak, founder and co-owner of Czech Games Edition (CGE). We have talked to him at the company’s HQ in Prague's Černý Most, surrounded by – not too surprisingly – board games.

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For its clients, the bank must be a ship that can sail even through stormy weather


Komerční banka (KB) economists conclude that the worst days are now over for the Czech economy and forecast an improved performance in 2024 after last year’s decline. However, the growth will be very moderate and won’t become more noticeable until the second half of the year. "Still, our country's economy has proven to be robust, and if we look at it as a whole, it’s like a big ship that can maintain a straight course even in rough seas. I am happy that our bank contributes to this with our stability and strength," says David Formánek, member of the KB board responsible for corporate and investment banking.

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Tomáš Rousek: V Egyptě se snoubí arabská pohostinnost a africká srdečnost Obchod zde je běh na dlouhou trať, ale vyplatí se


Ačkoli nyní egyptská ekonomika prochází zkouškou, stomilionová země s mladou a rostoucí populací, strategickou pozicí pro globální obchod a velkými ambicemi v mnoha směrech nabízí stále bezpočet příležitostí pro naše exportéry a investory. Jak říká ředitel zahraniční kanceláře CzechTrade v Káhiře Tomáš Rousek: „Kdo si navíc začne budovat v Egyptě pozice nyní, získá před ostatními náskok. Protože jestli je v Africe pro úspěšný obchod něco opravdu potřeba, pak je to trpělivost a dlouhodobé budování osobních kontaktů.“ Hovoříme s ním krátce po úspěšné misi českých vodohospodářů v Káhiře, kterou zorganizoval CzechTrade ve spolupráci s Velvyslanectvím ČR v Káhiře.

Štítky Egypt, CzechTrade

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