Články autora: Daniel Libertin

Andreas Künne: Germany and the Czech Republic are predestined to help Europe move forward together


Appointed the new Ambassador of Germany to the Czech Republic only in mid-August, Andreas Künne lauds the excellent quality of Czech-German relations, and only has words of admiration for his predecessors and everyone who has been committed to improving our bilateral relations over the last decades. He sees our two countries as natural and established partners and envisions that our strong partnership could lead the way on the European level as well. We spoke to Mr. Künne at the German Embassy premises in Lobkowicz Palace in Prague.

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Bettina Kirnbauer: Czech Republic and Austria are best neighboursWe understand and rely on each other


Bettina Kirnbauer returned to Prague last year as Austria's ambassador after almost twenty years. She says that today’s Czech Republic is a thriving country, with overall progress visible in all areas. Related to this are the improved relations between Austria and the Czech Republic, which are really very close today. Her first year was largely impacted by the covid-19 pandemic. "But it showed, among other things, how good and stable our mutual relations are today," she points out.

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Martina Mlinarević Sopta: České firmy nemají s adaptací v Bosně a Hercegovině problémMůžete nám být skvělým mentorem


Ve své zemi i za jejími hranicemi je známá jako novinářka, spisovatelka a aktivistka. Vydala šest knih, na Facebooku má 130 tisíc sledujících a další víc než 4 tisíce na Twitteru. Jak tyto své předchozí zkušenosti uplatňuje v diplomacii a proč mají bosensko-české vztahy mimořádný potenciál? I o tom jsme si povídali s Martinou Mlinarević Sopta, která je od ledna 2020 velvyslankyní Bosny a Hercegoviny v České republice.

Štítky Bosna a Hercegovina, Investice, Export

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Martina Mlinarević Sopta: Czech companies have no problems adjusting in Bosnia and HerzegovinaYou can be a great mentor for us


In her country and beyond, she is well known as a journalist, writer and activist. She has published six books, has 130,000 followers on Facebook, and more than 4,000 on Twitter. How does she apply all this previous experience in her diplomatic work? Why does she think Bosnian-Czech relations have great potential? We have talked to Martina Mlinarević Sopta, who is Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Czech Republic since January 2020.

Štítky Bosna a Hercegovina, Interwiev

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Tomáš Gross: Češi mají víc peněz, ale jejich finanční gramotnost se nelepší


Společnost Partners je na českém trhu finančního poradenství už tradiční značkou. Hlavní odpovědností jednoho z jejích ředitelů, Tomáše Grosse, je další rozvoj. Ať už jde o zvyšování podílu na trhu nebo vymýšlení nových synergií, jako jsou například spolupráce s vysokými školami či aktivity v oblasti podpory finanční gramotnosti. Jako jeden z nejzkušenějších lidí ve firmě působí Tomáš Gross také jako supervizor při výběrovém řízení nových kolegů-poradců. „Snažím se být velmi přísný, abychom do našich řad nabírali opravdu kvalitní a motivované lidi,“ vysvětluje.

Štítky Partners, Investice

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Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih: Indonesian middle class as well as production capacity are growingWe support closer cooperation with the Czech Republic in green technologies


Kenssy Dwi Ekaningsih has been Indonesia's ambassador to Prague since June 2019. The Czech Republic is in fact her second diplomatic mission outside the ASEAN region. Although more than half of her current term has been impacted by the covid-19 pandemic, the Embassy under her leadership is very active and busy organising and supporting business and cultural events. Still, Ambassador Kenssy believes that when the pandemic is over, the two countries will be able to further build on the already close relations. The strength of Czech-Indonesian cooperation is also evidenced by the number of Czech companies who are already active in Indonesia.

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